2009年3月10日 星期二

Charming Experience 「尋樂.經驗」

“無常, fugacity” created by Stanley Wong

Dragonflies again, could it be a little bit more?

Red-White-Blue series created by other artist

Today just been to a contemporary art exhibition: Charming Experience 「尋樂.經驗」in Hong Kong Museum of Art, but there is a little disappointed and dull while looking at those which had seen several times in other event these several years, such as electric dragonflies on the ceiling, metal mirror stone and “RED-WHITE-BLUE” series ! Ironically, such series is not presented by its former, the artist is just doing a tiny adjustment on it, to be honest, it is almost and totally the same creation of the creator. And in fact, “Stanley Wong” is on the stage as well.

Stanley Wong is one of my favorite artists in Hong Kong, this time he has rejected to use the above method of creating the pieces as several years had done before. Surprisingly, a coffin has been placed with the cover opens. He invites people to take off their shoes and enjoy, experience themselves into it. But this is not the end of the story as the coffin can transform into a sofa while moving away some of the components. What does it tell? Title of this art called “無常, fugacity”. The combination of death symbol and daily life furniture make myself realize the power of Azrael as he can come from anytime in our life. Scarey artwork ~ In the meantime, it brought me back to the earthquake of Sichuan四川. Such disaster came so sudden as the local people had no time to run for survive, they might be just sitting onto the sofa in that moment.

Another interesting installation is located outside the event entrance. Artist has created a series of cushions with different facial expressions of Timothy FOK Tsun-ting霍震霆 and placed onto the sofa for the public to use. Also, a TV in the front which projecting his speech and event is also welcome for watching. From observation, the participants were tended to be positive to him as they usually treated those as their sweetie “HELLO KITTY”, hugging him, sit back and relax~~~~ And some of the people even treated the props as real and took photographs with him. What will happen if his enemy nearby! :D

P.S. I am not appreciating people who copy other creation without transforming or adding new meaning into it.

